Poker is so Cruel
Dear Poker AbbyMy first thought when I read this was that I suffer from multiple personality disorder and sent this to myself in one of my episodes. I know your pain well. However, I don't recommend going all in pre-flop with A/Q very often. If it was such a great Hold 'Em starter, someone would have given it a cool nickname like her man Big Slick.
Why does my AQ never pick up at least a pair when I'm all in against 66 or 33 or some other small pair whilst everytime I have the the small pair the other guys A Q turns into a full house A's & Q's. Or even worse, why does my AA get beat by someone else holding 22 and seeing a flush arrive?
There's not much you can do at the poker table about those lucky freaks who go all in with a gutshot straight draw only to catch the miracle card on the river. But there's a lot you can do to them later in a dark parking lot.
~~Poker Abby~~

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AK and KK are the two most dangerous hands in Hold'em. It's way to easy to overplay them.
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